Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bob Parker vs Jo Ann Emerson 2012: Bob's Fed Up with DC! Are You? Is Jo Ann Emerson Here?

Bob Parker vs Jo Ann Emerson 2012: Bob's Fed Up with DC! Are You? Is Jo Ann Emerson Here?

Elect Bob Parker In 2012! Be a Part of Taking Down the Emerson Machine! Bob Parker is running for Congress as a Republican in the 8th Congressional District of the Great State of Missouri this 2012. He's a Rancher and Farmer from Raymondville Missouri and has never been too shy to tell it like it is. He is attempting to unseat the entrenched establishment incumbent. Mrs. Jo Ann Emerson - Gladney. Mrs. Emerson - Gladney inherited the seat when her husband Bill Emerson died. She has since been remarried, but you wouldn't know that from her speeches or photo opportunities. Sadly, many still believe that Mrs Emerson - Gladney is still the grieving widow and have no idea that her current husband is as Liberal as it comes and they have been married since 2000. He was a Union Lobbyist and now is a top Union Attorney. Like many of us, Bob feels that Washington DC has lost sight and is out of touch with the Common People they represent. To find out more about Bob please visit him at:! facebook at and you can follow him on twitter at: Here is what Bob is about: Freedom and Liberty I believe in Free enterprise and a strong private sector. I believe we must step up to protect our Liberties as never before! I will fight to repeal the NDAA! Pro Life From conception until natural death. Period. Gun Rights I believe in an individual's right to keep and bear arms, and I support your right to carry a ...