Download it: This is so cool, But if im honest they could have made the emblems more interesting, but it will do :DRead Description: [IMPORTANT] Gameplay: 100+ Kills + First MOAB by Zinc RFNG Commentator: Zinc ViPeRz (Im sick when making this video by the way so no hating) Okay now recent news had come out, from Fourzerotwo on Twitter, that there will be a new update releasing 10 whole new prestige's which will be including whole new icons, emblems and titles (hopefully the titles look better then the previous prestige's). It has been said that they may be releasing 5 prestige's first, adding up to 15 but i highly doubt that as that would be pointless as it would waste their time and ours. Chances are the 10 new whole prestige's will be released at once...Better be free since we all know Modern Warfare are really after our money im not too sure!