0:31 That was most excellent timing, toaster. I hereby dub thee Toastlocke, Dragon of Perfect Timing. 0:45 As long as you stick to incredibly simple stuff like this and don't make any more of that rice, we're cool. 0:56 Right, but if anyone asks on the way, you're my girlfriend. It's important to make the other girls jealous at the start so their interest will show more readily. In games. 1:25 Thanks, and it sure was useful being related to the most feared detective on the force, so I could use that to get rid of those annoying cops who kept wanting to arrest me for kidnapping you every other step. Ah, Japan... 2:12 It's not like I can do anything to fix cracked nuts by sticking around. 3:31 Nuts obviously don't uncrack that easily. 4:05 Would anyone complain if I punched this guy now? 4:28 Hey, thanks. Saying something like that makes it that much more likely for them to think about hitting on me. In games. 4:40 It's also important to establish my dominance over the route f! rom the start. In games. 5:04 I can't help it if my swag naturally makes girls want to hang off of me. 5:19 I wouldn't know, I'm too busy talking to people face to face. 5:32 Crap, I forgot to turn down the swag. 5:41 Sure, but only because I'll be away from you and near those two girls that much quicker. 6:08 Hey, it's not that bad. I'm in the only class in school with TWO of the few girls in this school actually worth taking a second look at. 7:15 Screw the rules, I have money. 7:34 Haven't you