Gemineye Judas the twin Didymos Has come to testify that we're all students within I study scrolls from the library of Nag Hammadi Discovered in nineteen forty five by Muhammad Ali Also books that were unearthed within the Qumran Community As many fight to shield the truth and try to keep it from you and me Ancient secrets that were once taught below an Egyptian plateau That would one day find them selves underneath Rennes Le Ch'teau Knowledge once buried info carried from Solomon's Temple Stories vary some of them scary but all of them simple Look into my eyes there's no surprise that I've got a slight temper Towards the lies and disguise of the modern day Knights Templar Realize from the size of their recognized architecture That the wise have hid a prize that could hypnotize and spark a lecture I don't mean to preach but to teach that each Founding Father Dreaming prophesy and demonocracy should have been drown in water From king George the sixth passing his town and crow! n to his daughter As many climb up degrees dropping to they're knees bowing down to her garter How many times? How many rhymes? How many crimes? Need to be committed to you'll admit that they were behind it To be blinded, or narrow minded, become one of the Pharaoh kind kid Exposing freemasons From Americas commander and chief To Nova Scotia's Alexander Keith Like captain Morgan, That panhandler and thief So what's more important than a Mayan Calendar Belief? Exposing freemasons From Americas commander ...